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About Turned Treasures
In 2013 I was creating custom knives and decided to pick up a budget lathe to turn handles for larger dagger style display pieces. After using the lathe it didn’t take long to realize I liked turning more than the knife making process and I began making pens and small knick-knacks with whatever scraps of wood I could get my hands on. In 2014 Turned Treasures was created and was mainly focused on the production of custom pens and razor handles. After a long hiatus due to starting a family my work resumed and has grown to include pens, bowls, shaving brushes, razors, rings and anything else I can create with my lathe always honing my skills to create better and more intricate pieces.
In 2021 a laser was added to the family of tools in the shop. This increased the offerings from turned treasures exponentially. The fan favorites are the customized tumblers and custom engraved photos.